Case Study

A Test Automation / RPA Solution for ZenVerify

Business Challenges

Reduce the cost of building the test automation solution by at least 50%
Solve the maintenance issue that are associated to static solutions that become obsolete as the target product changes

Our Solutions

SWStrategies built a unique approach that leveraged an “record/playback” approach to allow a lower skilled QA Engineer to record the test cases and then allow higher skilled QA Engineers to insert short scriplets (Java Script) to handle complex scenarios. This maximized speed while reducing cost.
We grouped the test cases in test plans that could be executed on multiple machines concurrently
Our approach exposed all the functionality through APIs to enable easy integration and allow for future scalability


Built the MVP in one year and met cost targets
Used the product for automate tests for ZenVerify
ZenVerify sold an enterprise license to KPMG

Technologies Used

C# .Net Stack based microservices
AWS Cloud

SWStrategies Difference

Thought leadership
Technical Architecture
Agile delivery
Mobile Apps