Case Study

A B2B Marketplace for Fortune 5 Retailer

Business Challenges

Client had attempted multiple builds of a B2B marketplace over the past 4 yrs and spent over $50MM.
Internal IT teams built a POC that was not scalable.
An external vendor was hired but after one year they failed to get to a POC

Our Solutions

SWStrategies identified process and architecture issues with existing approach
We built a microservice based architecture that could scale almost indefinitely
Designed and implemented agile processes to improve dev speed.


Completed POC within 7 months for less than $500K.
Moved POC to production (MVP) in another 3 months.
Continued adding the features to the marketplace for the next 3 years before transitioning to the inhouse team

Technologies Used

C# .Net Stack based microservices
Azure cloud

SWStrategies Difference

Thought leadership
Technical Architecture
Agile delivery